OUP is probably the first publisher to update their seminar/ conferenece scheme this summer. Not waiting longer I thought I would plan my development and I enrolled for OUP Professional Development Day in Warsaw. It’s going to be held on 27th August in at Wyższa Szkoła Finansów i Zarządzania. Hoping to kickstart a new school year with this – I will go for the third session – Szkoły ponadgimnazjalne: To teach or not to teach grammar – no longer the dilemma.
Not sure who the speaker will be. There are some of them listed: Małgorzata Warmińska-Marczak, Radosław Krzyżanowski, Anna Musielak, Karolina Maliszewska, Grzegorz Fidala.
Anyway, hope to see and listen to some good speaking, as I am myself preparing to a SPEAKER’S BIG DAY, namely my first time as a speaker at IATEFL conference. More to come soon…