Finally, publishers outlined their plans for September 2014. SInce I am mazowieckie regin based I will give a sneakpeak of what is going on around here. And so Pearson invites not only to Development Days but also to the conference planned for 26th of August in Warsaw. Pitty that is only for primary schools. Great that they going to enlight us on the topic of changes in educational law and provide participants with „Kompendium
na temat zmian w ustawie„, which may be really helpful. Anyway, Pearson’s offer seems to be limited, probably due to the focus on online training and some bigger events like IATEFL conference.
I have already written about what OUP delivers this season here. This year they were very early to present their development dates. Watch the video invitation to the conference:
From Express Publishing this year we can get only talks with representatives, obviously taking the line of the least resistance. Still you will be able to get your hands on some fresh ideas about the changes in education and how it affected the publishers’ life :-).
Nowa Era not any better, although their website is more and more impressive it only contains the information on opportunity to meet the reps at the bookshop days.
Well, Macmillan put their best foot forward and not only do they organize the Macmillan Days, but also the conferences and the ones in Warsaw on the 30th August will be streamed at the The day will be the time of two events, one for kindergartens and another for postgimnazjum schools. Watch Marta Rosińska’s invitation here below:
And at last Cambridge University Press is still sleeping…zzz… nothing is happening. CUP has given up the market? By the way, did I miss out any publishing houses?
Education law changes have been hard on publishers recently and the competition it tough and it is quite strange that some of them do not use their time to fight the market. I am wondering how „no giveaways policy” will affect the market?